Report from BioBazar Ostoja Natury in Olsztynek


On the 12th of October, the Eco Market took place in Olsztynek. It was an event inaugurating the regular cycle of the weekly agricultural market for high quality products. The main idea of the bazaar is to build a direct relationship between the producer and the customer.

Through mutual exchange of experiences and expectations on the part of recipients, bringing the product development process closer to us, as well as manufacturers’ challenges connected with it, we influence mutual understanding of the parties and building trust and mutual relations. At our market you can meet many interesting people dealing in such areas as: vegetable, fruit, promeval cereals and herbs, animal and fish breeding, processing, beekeeping and many others.

BIOBAZAR Ostoja Natury w Olsztynku

Especially for you, we have prepared video material from the first edition of BioBazar Ostoja, in which we present the bazaar partners and their products. Remember! Eko Targ in Olsztynek will return in a constant weekly installment this spring. Enjoy watching and see you at the market.

Watch the video relation from BioBazar